This week, I was focused on bringing my asphalt texture to my street in Unreal based on the video I was recommended. Most of this process was me learning how to use Quixel mixer and Quixel bridge, which I am now a fan of. Although I didn't leave myself enough time to deal with some small technical issues regarding the differences in versions, I was still able to accomplish what you see here today. Mixing the different asphalt textures, and generally working in Mixer, was a highlight of this week. Once I realized how easy the system for using Megascans is, I went down a rabbit hole of sorts finding the perfect asphalt textures and decals. I conglomerated a few of them into my current texture for the road, which you can see below.
While I intended to have more photos this week to show in unreal, unfortunately I had to switch versions of unreal so it would be compatible with quixel bridge, and this process of trial and error took far more time than I anticipated. I was also struck with an unfortunate illness this week, and was unable to eat until Friday without repercussions, so I was only able to capture my current texture from mixer. Next week, I plan to bring all of my completed textures to unreal, and begin the process of finalizing the scene.
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