493 Post 10

    This week, I decided it was time to begin texturing the different models I had created for the scene. This process proved daunting in the beginning, since I had little experience with the Unreal Engine and the painter workflow, but I decided to push ahead, and to allow myself to fail if necessary in some small areas.

       My main focus this week was on texturing the buildings I have created. As you can see, the textures turned out fairly well, but I noticed one glaring mistake that laughed at me while I worked: the window frames were the same material as the glass portions of the windows. This is not a big deal, and can be fixed with re-exporting the file, but I decided to get some pictures this week of the current state of my models without baked on detail. So far I am happy with the results of my work, but I definitely plan to add more detail with substance painter.

    Here you can see the other two buildings I textured this sprint. I plan to add lots of detail to the one being supported by pillars, since it is my favorite build, but for now I am happy with the slate granite look I created for it. I'm also happy with the way the rusted metal beams came out. Next week, I plan to redo some of my vertex colors, and begin texturing some of my props. I am excited to play around with fabric in painter, after I finish my tents, that is.
